Our Board of Directors met in May and decided to restart Circles gradually and as safely as possible. This requires that we have some temporary changes to how our Circles operate. Existing Circles restarted and we also resumed taking new applications. The health protocols include:
We will be meeting outside, wherever possible.
Participants should bring their own chair, if possible (ask your Circle Keeper for details for your particular Circle).
Masks should be worn by all participants.
Circle Keepers will have hand sanitizer available.
Circle Keepers/volunteers will sanitize all equipment, chairs, etc. before Circle.
We will not use a talking piece. We will use another method to have conversation pass to next person.
Circle Keepers will measure space out 6 feet between chairs.
We will not be providing food. Bottles of water may be provided, and bottles will be sanitized first.
Do not attend Circle if you are not feeling well.
Participants should be alert for symptoms and should err on the side of staying home if any symptoms are experienced.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
We believe it is an appropriate time to get back to our work in Circle - to continue to feel connected to our community and build relationships and support for each other during this difficult time. We will continue to monitor the community health situation and may make changes to this protocol at any time if we believe it is unsafe.