Intern Kasi's Blog: Week in the Life of an Intern

Week In the Life of an Intern 4/19/18… This last week was much more of what I have been doing in the past, research research research. I don’t mind it though. Learning more and more about restorative justice and what it is doing in our country and in others is fascinating. I have a Google alert set up to my email that sends me any news stories or articles on the subjects of restorative justice and restorative practices.

I get articles on conferences on restorative justice to an article that I had seen before on the Marshall Project about restorative justice practices being used in a case of an adolescent who had, at first, robbed a meat deli and was sentenced to peacemaking circles. Except it didn’t work for him that time, he had then gone out after the circle was completed and was part of a team of two who killed another teenager. A judge, instead of just throwing him into prison, gave him one more shot with peacemaking circles and it was found that it worked on him that time. By the end of the circle he was about ready to graduate from high school and was preparing to go to college. Talk about a turn around. You can find the article here: Sorry for the short blog post this week, there wasn’t much to say besides I did a lot of research. ~Kasi