RESPECT. What does it mean to respect someone? To me, respect is knowing when to confront someone and knowing that people may know more about a certain subject than me. Respect is also a basic human right that all human beings deserve until proven otherwise. This is the value in the spotlight this week at circle. It really opened up my mind to what was talked about throughout the hour and a half I was there, due to the snowstorm I had to leave before the second circle that evening.
On Thursday night, I was able to see the values of WCCC in effect and watch it do what it set out to do. It is one thing to hear about circle working and it changing the lives of the clients, but it is an entirely other feeling to actually see it in action. Hearing about the client when they first started at circle as opposed to now is mind blowing and enlightening. They are a completely different person according to both themselves and the other circle members. In the beginning they did not want to be there and felt it was a waste of time. But seeing them this last Thursday so open to sharing their feelings and what is going on in their personal life including some actions they are taking, and how their relationship with their family members has changed in the time from when they began at WCCC and now is astounding. Before really seeing WCCC in action, I wanna say I was partially skeptical on if it was going to work. But now, all skepticism I had is gone and I can truly see everything that I was excited about with this internship really happening.
In regards to research being done by myself and another intern on the subject of Restorative Justice, with every article I read the more surprised and perplexed I am at the fact that Restorative Justice works and can be implemented in many places that will see results. As part of my class that goes along with interning with WCCC, I am required to make an infographic on a topic relating to a current issue as well as my internship. I have decided to take the overarching subject of Restorative Justice and apply it toward fixing, and possibly eliminating, the school-to-prison pipeline. For those who do not know what this is, it is basically what it says it is. A child will get in trouble in school and that will lead to them landing themselves in prison as an adult, almost right out of school. I want to see how Restorative Justice can help the pipeline in at-risk neighborhoods and districts as these are the places that really need it.
I am excited to continue updating you all on this each week! So until next time, see ya!~Kasi