Summer Restorative Practices Trainings

There are some exciting opportunities for Restorative Practices trainings this summer.  


Summer Events for Restorative Practices

Circle Training July 31-August 3, Brooklyn Center

You are invited to learn the Circle process! This Community Circle Training is opened to all interested in transforming their communities and building relationships through the Circle process. While the training is designed for all community members, some emphasis will be placed on implementing Circles in schools. The trainers are Ms. Alice O. Lynch and Dr. Talaya L. Tolefree. The training will be held at Paladin Career and Technical High School  308 Northtown Dr, Blaine, MN 55434  To register, send an email to Ms. Alice O. Lynch at  or call her at 612-387-4774 (day time) or 612-521-5012 (evenings).

Restorative Practices in Schools, August 16-18, St. Paul

St. Paul Public Schools and the St. Paul Federation of Teachers offer a Restorative Practice Institute at Education MN in St. Paul, August 16-18. All levels of learners in restorative practices are welcome. Our stories of restorative practice implementation will be presented though movement, arts integration, social emotional learning, student leadership and trauma informed practices during the morning break- out sessions. The afternoon sessions will provide intensive coaching and practice in foundational circle keeping. Registered here.

Trauma Awareness and Resilience-August 7-11, Minneapolis


Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience – the STAR TrainingMon-Fri August 7-11, 2017 in Minneapolis The 4½ day evidence-based STAR Training integrates neurobiology, psychology, trauma healing & resilience, restorative justice, nonviolent conflict transformation, and broadly defined spirituality setting the stage for authentic reconciliation for individuals and communities. Details and online registration at: www.staraug2017.eventbrite.comFor 2-1 RJ practitioner discount or scholarship assistance, please contact